How to Freshen Up Your Spring Wedding: 3 Expert Wedding Design Tips
Ah, is there anything more dreamy and hopeful than a spring wedding? With winter gloom officially in the rear-view mirror, fresh flowers in full bloom, and love abound in the fresh air—I love the possibility and promise a spring wedding offers. But with spring being a particularly popular time for nuptials, how can you ensure yours stands out from the masses?
Today, I’m offering up my top wedding design tips to keep your spring wedding endlessly fresh, visually engaging, and unlike anything your guests have ever seen. Let’s dive in…
1. Think outside of the typical pastel box.
I love a pastel spring wedding as much as the next wedding designer, but you can set yours apart from the masses by foregoing the more typical pastel palette (blushes and peaches) and, instead, playing with color combinations you don’t often see. Think: layered light-and-airy neutrals, soft taupes paired with muted periwinkles, or rose golds and sage greens. The options truly are endless—the goal is to think outside of the box and opt for a color palette your guests haven’t before seen at a spring wedding. This keeps your wedding design intriguing and engaging—and guaranteed to make a lasting impact on everyone in attendance.
2. Don’t shy away from texture.
Particularly when you’re opting for a softer color palette for your spring wedding, you want to ensure your wedding design doesn’t fall flat or lack impact—and the best way to do that is through texture. Florals add an incredible amount of texture to an event (and you’re in major luck, because so many beautiful blooms are in season in the spring months)—but there are also tons of other out-of-the-box ways to add texture to your spring affair. Gauzy fabrics, silky ribbons, origami paper products, and layered linens are all perfect options for creating depth and dimension.
PRO TIP: Don’t just focus on the event itself—think about how you can add texture—and therefore visual interest—to every aspect of your guest experience, starting with your invitations and ending with the wedding favors. Three-dimensional flowers adhered to your envelope liners, silky ribbons tied around the stationery suite, and wedding favors wrapped in dreamy gauze bows are all great options for ensuring your wedding design feels deeply dimensional at every guest touch-point.
3. Embrace minimalism.
The best part about spring weddings—particularly those in beautiful outdoor settings—is they really don’t require tons of design. With winter weddings set in barren landscapes under gloomy skies, it’s common to need to add tons of rich, layered design elements to breathe life into the event—but spring weddings are already full of life just by the sheer nature of the season. With gardens in full bloom, big blue skies abound, birds chirping, grass as green as ever, and mostly sunny skies—we love the idea of letting the season do most of the talking and simply adding a few intentional touches to bring your spring wedding to life.
Even if your wedding is indoors, spring is all about fresh starts, after all—so minimalistic wedding design works perfectly. Plus, minimalistic design helps ensure the elements you do add to your affair really “pop.” Think about clean white tables adorned with a few simple floral arrangements and a handful of streamlined candlesticks; a few wispy vines on a white brick wall; or clean white vases holding simple sprigs of greenery and fresh flowers. When it comes to visually impactful spring wedding design, less is so often much, much more.
Seeking some inspiration as you plan an effortless—and unforgettable—spring wedding? Join me as we lose ourselves in these light-and-airy images…

Until next time, happy planning!

Contact Exalt Africa Weddings for more details or to discuss your upcoming wedding.